Moremi High School is a vibrant academic institution located on the grounds of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Osun State. With a mission to cultivate academic excellence and a supportive, inclusive community, Moremi High School has educated young minds for over three decades. Our approach emphasizes critical thinking, character building, and skill acquisition.
Years Running
Graduation Rate
Extracurricular Activities
Alumni Worldwide
Established over four decades ago, we pride ourselves on a legacy of excellence.
From the arts to sciences, we prepare students for success in both academic and personal pursuits.
We offer a wide range of activities from sports to academic clubs.
Our school reception is located at the main entrance and is open from [8:30 AM to 4:00 PM] daily, with a lunch closure from [12:15 to 1:15 PM].
Visitors and volunteer helpers are asked to check in at reception, sign the Visitors' Book, and wear a visitor badge during their stay. Please remember to sign out upon departure.
Moremi High School has been more than a school to me; it’s a place that inspired me to pursue my passion for science. My teachers and classmates made each day exciting, and the Science Club provided hands-on experience that prepared me for future challenges.
Sarah O.
SS3 Student
Participating in the inter-house sports competition was one of my best experiences here. The teamwork, encouragement, and sportsmanship I found at Moremi High School taught me invaluable life lessons.
Joseph E.
SS2 Student